more teach mama:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

just 1 book feature (and book pack giveaway!)

I'm so excited to be partnering with my friends at Scholastic to launch a new feature on teach mama: just 1 book.

In honor of International Literacy Day and inspired by the many books that have moved our family to try new activities, new recipes, new ideas, and reach new heights, I'm starting a new party here at teach mama. And the great people at Scholastic have offered to put together a special, catered-just-for-your-family book pack to kick off this launch!

Here's the skinny:
  • 'just 1 book': Starting out as a feature 2-3 times a month, 'just 1 book' will give everyone--every reader, friend, teacher, student, author, anyone!--a chance to share a book that started something for him or her.
'all it took was just 1 book'. . . to get you thinking, get you moving, get you arts-and-crafting, get you talking, get you writing, get you counting, get you traveling, get you thinking, get you cookin', dancin' or dreamin'. You tell us.
This feature will allow guest writers to see their name in lights (well, kind of . . . ) while giving a shout-out to one special book. Really, anything goes here, and the sky's the limit.
I know that we're not the only family inspired by books--old ones and new ones alike--and that I'd love for everyone to have an opportunity to share a little bit about the book that holds a special spot for them. In doing so, hopefully our own worlds and communities may open up a bit as we'll all be made aware of new titles and new subjects, new ideas and new characters, new authors and new illustrators. Everyone loves new books for our families or classrooms.

Here are some questions to ponder if you're interested in guest posting for the 'just 1 book' feature:
  • Does your family love one particular series or author? Why?
  • Have your children or students asked you to read one particular book over and over and over?
  • Can you remember one book that moved you as a child? As a teen? As a teacher or parent?
  • Has one book inspired your family to try something new, go somewhere new, or think something new?
  • Have you written--or illustrated--a book that you love so much you want to share with the world?
  • Has one book shaped the way you parent or the way you teach?
  • Are you continually awe-struck with the power that one book holds?
Want to share your book? Everyone's invited! Email me at if you want to share yours here.

Yes, Magic School Bus fans--I met the real Ms. Frizzle!

I had the awesome opportunity to spend one glorious morning at a brunch at the Scholastic headquarters during the BlogHer conference weekend. At the brunch, we learned about so many of Scholastic's great programs--their Book Clubs, their new releases, and so many other great things that I'll soon share.

Scholastic, for 90 years now, has celebrated books and learning, and their latest global literacy campaign, Read Every Day, Lead a Better Life, makes me want to dance. Read Every Day, Lead a Better Life "underscores the importance of reading to better prepare children who will need strong literacy skills to survive and succeed in the 21st century".

To do this, Scholastic wants every single person possible to "work together to bring reading and deeper understanding to all children around the globe". Awesome. A campaign celebrating literacy is a campaign worth supporting.

In order to support Read Every Day, Lead a Better Life, check out the Scholastic site:
Parents and Teachers can:
Classrooms can:
Everyone can:
  • share which 5 books shaped their lives (more info coming in October--and until then, why not get started by sharing one of them over here?

Many, many thanks to Scholastic who has offered to kick off 'just 1 book' with a customized book pack for one lucky reader's family. The winner will send Scholastic the ages and interests of the children in your family, and they'll put together something especially for you! HOW cool? What a way to celebrate literacy--
Do you want to win a specially customized just-for-your-family book pack from Scholastic? Here's how:
  • Leave a comment here (along with your email address) with the name of one book that has inspired you or your family;
For extra entries, you can do both. Just let me know! And please leave your email so I can contact you if you win.

Contest closes next Friday, 09/16/10 at midnight, and the winner will be chosen by

I've got a handful of friends and authors (yes!) who are willing to guest post for 'just 1 book' and I hope that you'll consider writing one, too. I'm really looking forward to it, and I know others are as well.

fyi: Scholastic has kindly offered to provide the book pack for the winner's family, and they also provided the brunch and books for attendees back in August. They even wrangled Ms. Frizzle and Word Girl for the brunch and that's no joke. This is an un-sponsored post, and the opinions are all my own.


  1. Amy,

    LOVE this new feature! We have a TON of books that start something for us, but last spring it was Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems


  2. I fondly remember reading Where a Red Fern Grows with my parents when I was little. I can't wait to share it with my dd!


  3. My one "book" is the Little House series. I remember it being the first series I really loved as a child, so much that I used to imagine I was Laura. Now my girls love the show and are finally old enough for me to begin reading chapter books with and Laura is top of my list. I'd love to guest post about it and since I teach reading for middle schoolers, I can't wait to check out all of Scholastic's great new stuff. This is an amazing campaign to encourage literacy and a lifelong love of reading. And if Scholastic wants to know what books are challenging teens right now, it's definitely the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. We can't keep them in the library and that's always a great problem to have.

  4. The book that started something for our family was Hatchet. It was the first in a long line of books we started reading out loud to our children.

    bkhabel AT gmail DOT com

  5. How can you narrow down just one? We're on a mission of 25 NEW books (picture, of course) per week this year, and we're well ahead of schedule. I regularly max out our library accounts (50-book limit).

    The one coming to mind, since we just reviewed it, is The Boy Who Changed the World by Andy Andrews. Skippyjon Jones was a favorite, and The Paper Bag Princess is a current favorite. The list goes on and on...

    As a mom, one of my favorites this year was One Million Arrows.

    janemaritz at yahoo dot com

    (And if you're still looking for guest posters, count me in.

  6. My favorite book growing up was Corduroy. When I read it to my daughter for the first time last year, I recognized so many themes I've found in my own life. It makes me believe that the books we read our kids really will have an astounding impact on their personalities and lives...
    d o r i k l a r at g mail dot com

  7. My just one book was "the Hobbit"
    When I was in the summer between my second and third grade year, my Uncle Bill got stranded at our house for the summer. And he changed our lives.
    After dinner one night, he said that instead of turning on the TV, why didn’t we come over to the couch and listen to something.
    Uncle Bill always had great stories, but this wasn’t one of his, it was from J.R.R. Tolkien. We listened. We sat still. And when 45 minutes later Uncle Bill’s voice got tired and faltered, we begged my daddy to pick up the book. Then my mom got in on the act. After that little book had made it through all three adult we kids even took a turn. I may have been able to puzzle my way through a paragraph or so, and then Uncle Bill took it up again.
    That summer the TV never did get turned on. And my family has been devouring books ever since.
    I can still recite the entire first paragraph from memory.
    “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit….”


  8. My one book is Anne of Green Gables.
    I love how she uses big words!
    My daughter's one book would probably be the Laura Ingall's picture books. She is enamored by little Laura and Mary and Baby Carrie.

    juliecerdas at gmail dot com

  9. I look forward to seeing what books are featured! We're always looking for new, inspiring books.

    One that has recently inspired us is Seven Silly Eaters. It made us realize how silly it is to eat the exact same thing day after day, and we experimented in the kitchen to learn how we can change, but still enjoy some of our favorite foods.

    Thanks for the chance to enter!
    mommastaci33 at yahoo dot com

  10. There are so many...hum...I would have to say Make Way for Ducklings. I grew up near Boston and loved the pics when I was young. I love the theme now and I can't wait to share it with me kids.

  11. Wow, it is SO hard to think of one book. This is the first that came to mind... About 5 months ago, my son went on a huge Little Engine That Could kick. He was about 2 years, 4 months old then. I read it every day, multiple times a day, for WEEKS. One night when we were on vacation, he said, "I want to do it!" I explained that it was too difficult a book for him to read by himself, and he just started in, and sure enough, he really could read it. We knew he had been reading words here and there for awhile, but that was our first clue that he could actually whip through whole picture books by himself, so I'll always remember it fondly.

  12. Action step we will take: I will read every day. We also give books as gifts all the time.

  13. When I was little my mom give to me Little Women ..I love it and still have it..someday I will read with my daughter.

  14. Blueberries for Sal has inspired us to reflect and to go our picking ourselves.

    baurains at gmail dot com

  15. Momo by Michael Ende - it's a wonderful story about making time for the things that matter most.

    thriftycraftmama at gmail dot com

  16. I'll never forget when I was 10 years old and had to read Bridge to Terabithia. It was the first book to make me feel sadness - and I was so shocked by the ending. It wasn't spoiled for me by watching the movie. I think that's when I figured out I liked reading.

  17. For me, the book(s) that inspired me were the Baby-sitters Club books. What great role models we had as young girls.

  18. Oh my goodness, there are so many! One that pops to mind right now though is a book called "Obasan" by Joy Kogawa. It's fiction, but inspired by the real experiences of persons of Japanese desent (including the author herself) interned by the Canadian government during the Second World War. I first read it when I was 11 or 12, and I think it was the first time that I really understood that our society was capable of committing the same kind of atrocities that I had heard about elsewhere. I was a life changing realization. My email is river26[at]gmail[dot]com.

  19. Congratulations on this great new feature! I can't wait to read the author and reader guest posts to learn about new books!

    I would have to say that our favorites are the classics that my husband and I loved from Richard Scarry, George and Martha, Frog and Toad, to the Ramona series! This book loving family loves them all!

  20. The Secret Garden was my favorite book from childhood.

  21. Reading Action Steps-

    I read every day and I read to my son every day

  22. a children's book that has inspired my life and one that I love to share with children whenever I can (I used it as a unit launch every year when I taught) is the Lorax by Dr. Seuss. I just shared this book with my son this past spring and it is now one of his favorites.

    mrsjessika26 AT hotmail DOT COM

  23. I loved reading the The Great Brain series as a kid. I hope to introduce them to my sons soon!

  24. For me it is the 13th Winter by Samantha Abel.

  25. AHHHH!!! I wanna meet Ms. Frizzle! We have her motto: "Take Chances Make Mistakes Get Messy" posted over the steps to go downstairs, so we all se it every morning. It is more than a reminder to do these things- but that it is A-OK to let them happen! (Consequently, my house is very messy...)

  26. Oh, right, most inspirational book. Let it be corny, but... A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I still think if everyone understood this book, the world would be a far better place.

  27. It's so hard to choose just one book. If there is one book that I remember loving maybe more than any other from my childhood, it might be Jenny and the Cat Club about a shy little cat who joins a cat club and goes on adventures. I loved it, made my kids read it, and now they love it too.

  28. This is great! Me: The Four Agreement by Miguel Ruiz, overall family book for my kids, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle for sure!

  29. One of my favourite books in childhood was Richard Scarry's What Do People Do All Day (Hungarian translation). Actually I enjoyed reading it so much, that this summer I've bought this title again for my children. Now, we all are enjoying reading from it in the evenings, and not only. :) I have com to realize that there are other "Busy, busy town" books, too. :)
    kapanyanyimonyo at gmail dot com

  30. Our family favourite, with 2 children 27 months and younger, is Time for Bed, by Mem Fox. It was the first book that my son responded too and both my husband and I view it as a special book to treasure with our boys.

  31. Fantastic. I love the picture of you with Ms. Frizzle!

    We love books and they are honestly part of every day, every activity, every new adventure. There is a book for everything and we love to share our life with books that make us smile!

    I love Scholastic too. We buy so many books through the Scholastic school flyer.

  32. I would have to say the one book that has moved me most as a new mom is Margaret Wise Brown's The Runaway Bunny. I want to be like the mommy bunny. The mom, who instead of saying, "NO, you can't run away." Says, "Ok, give it a shot." And yet, she promises to stay right beside her little bunny on his journeys. She also remains patient with her little bunny as he problem solves and as he finally reaches the conclusion to stay and be her bunny.
    My boys (2 yrs and 8 months) have heard the story so much it's a great way to soothe them!

  33. Hmmm...ONE book?! That's really hard. As a kid, I loved The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles by Julie Edwards, so I guess I'll go with that. I remember the teachers reading it to us at school, chapter by chapter, and thinking how incredibly vivid the images inspired by the combination of the book and my imagination were.

  34. Oh it's so hard to pick the one book that inspired me, one of my very very favs is I'll Love You Forever.

    megryansmom at sbc global dot net

  35. My son's one book would be "ChicaChica Boom Boom". He has autism and didn't speak a word until he fell in love with this classic.

    shop4scrappin at yahoo dot com

  36. There is no way I could name just one book....Too many have touched me in too many ways. I'll name 3 series, which I pick all for the same reason: American Girls--Samantha, Little House on the Prairie, Anne of Green Gables. I read each at different ages (and I still read them over again every year or so) and I was attracted to each because the 'star' of each reminded me of me, with spunk and imagination!

  37. One book? I can't choose just one... I love "ish" by Peter H. Reynolds. And Little Women has been my favorite ever since I can remember.

  38. thanks everyone! contest closed and Jean from MD has been contacted as the winner. many thanks to scholastic!


Thanks for reading! What do you think? . . .