more teach mama:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

hello, school year! hello, teacher notes!

Whether school has already begun or if it's right around the corner, Hello Teacher Notes are our new favorite way of making a connection with our teachers at the beginning of the school year. . .

Last August, when Maddy began Kindergarten, I was a nervous wreck:

Did I do my part to prepare her?
How many sight words did she know?
Could she count to twenty?
Why didn’t we read mor
e this summer?
Can she even write her full name?
OHmygosh, was she even able to recite her phone number and address?
Did she know how to open her juice box without help?

Realizing that I could only do so much to prepare her this late in the game, I decided to focus my attention on something else—someone else—the person with whom Maddy would be spending her loooong days as a big-time Kindergartner. I wanted Maddy to feel as comfortable as possible with this person and maybe feel a little connection with her even before the bell rang on the first day.

I switched my focus to her teacher, with the help of Hello Teacher Notes.

  • Hello Teacher Notes: Knowing first-hand how incredibly busy the initial weeks of school can be for teachers as they organize their classrooms and prepare their lessons, I wanted to do something that would be easy for Maddy, would take up very little time for her teacher, and would be a little something special for the two of them before they really got to know each other.

Owen works hard on his note for his teacher.

So I created a Hello Teacher Note—a very basic introduction letter from Maddy to her teacher that included a tiny picture of Maddy in the upper right-hand corner. It’s really very simple. The Hello Teacher Note just includes Maddy’s name and birthday, along with spaces for Maddy to write her favorite food, color, animal, book, holiday, and activity. It also includes a second page for the teacher to complete.

The teacher’s page mirrors the first page but has a little blurb on the bottom that says, “I will pick this up at the Open House, you can leave it in my desk or cubby, or you can mail it to: (space for student’s address)”.

Maddy delivered her Hello Teacher Note to her teacher’s mailbox one late August morning last year, and even walking up to the building, going into the office and meeting the secretaries, and searching for her teacher’s mailbox helped us all a little. And our first-ever Back-to-School Night, this over-emotional mom could have ugly cried when the sweet teacher walked over to me and handed me the return letter to give to Maddy. When we read it the next day, my baby was beaming, and she was more excited than ever to hit Kindergarten.

This year, Maddy, Owen, and Cora each wrote a Hello Teacher Note—Maddy to her first grade teacher, Owen to his pre-K teacher, and Cora to her preschool teacher--and we set aside one morning to deliver all of the letters. It was seriously exciting for them; I think these letters are a super way of moving gently into the new year, and we’ll be writing them each year for as long as we can.

Even if the year is already underway, Hello Teacher Notes can be used to create a stronger connection between teacher and student. The notes give everyone a little more of a reason to talk, get to know each other, and realize their commonalities before the year is really up and rolling.

Want to download the Hello Teacher Note to try it out yourself? Click on any of the hyperlinked words, and it's yours!

fyi: This was originally posted as part of VolunteerSpot's Views on Back to School Series. VolunteerSpot's free online sign up sheets save time, eliminate reply-all email, and make it easy for more parents to get involved at school and in the community. Register at VolunteerSpot before October 1st, 2010 using promotion code "TeachersSave" for a chance to win $100 in free classroom supplies for the teacher of your choice from ClassWish.

AND hey! Happy Day!! It's a GIVEAWAY!

Volunteer Spot has graciously offered teach mama readers the opportunity to win a Kids' Art Package from DreamSakes which includes 10 free high-resolution museum-quality scans of their children's artwork and a personalized gift. Seriously! Two great companies joining forces makes me want to sing!

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment here (and include your email address) sharing one of your personal or family back-school-year goals. Will you do homework right after school? Will you volunteer more? Do you hope to be early--rather than just making the bell every day? Are you going to be super-organized for 2010-2011?

This giveaway will end next Tuesday, 8/31/10, and a winner will be chosen by

Many thanks to Volunteer Spot and DreamSakes for sponsoring this giveaway and for allowing our family to try DreamSakes out, too!


  1. This year I plan to help out in both of my daughter's classrooms more. We always make getting to know you notes for our teachers too!

    What a great giveaway!! Fingers are crossed : )

    pink (dot) green (dot) 98 @ verizon (dot) net

  2. I'm going to supplement what the girls are learning in school with (hopefully) fun activities. Thanks for the info on VolunteerSpot - great idea! I get so much useful info on your site - thank you!


  3. This is our first year of PreK and we're excited. My daughter especially. This year should be great as the PreK is a coop, so we hope to make some new friends (all around) and also help out in the classroom. Also, a week before school starts, there's a "meet your teacher" time for each child (and parent) individually. My daughter was so excited to get a letter inviting her and her little stickers in the mail. Isn't this great?

  4. My goal is to not be so picky about my daughter's teacher. Having been a teacher, I find I can be pretty picky about things...I don't mean to be...And I never thought I'd be "that" mama...Though, I never do let my feelings known to my daughter or her teachers, but inside sometimes I'm screaming "WHY?"


    What an awesome giveaway!
    My personal goal for this school year is to get B comfortable with preschool (3- 1/2 days a week)and to use that time to spend quality time with baby N.

  6. My goal this year is to keep a good rhythm/routine in our home.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Thanks for the great giveaway and idea for teacher notes! One of my many goals for this school year is to prepare healthy lunches for all of us!

  8. I love the Hello, teacher notes. What a great idea!

    I am going to try to feel less rushed this year, even if I am, and hopefully the kids will follow suit.

  9. Great idea! We will do this this week. My goal is to be an encourager for my daughter when it comes to getting her homework done!

  10. I love the idea of Hello Teacher Notes!

    My goal for school is to keep an open mind about it all. Our requests for a school change were denied, so my son's not at the school we were hoping for. But I plan to stay positive about it and see what happens. And being more organized wouldn't hurt either!

  11. This year, my goals are:
    1. read books everday to my 3 year old son
    2. do fun, preschool activities with him every week and not let weeks go by when we don't any abc or 123's
    3. do more art and a variety of art

  12. Yes, my goal is to stay organized! It is easy to get piled up with paperwork by halfway through if I'm not careful. I have some new systems in place to hopefully help.

  13. This year I will have two boys doing their homework QUIETLY at the kitchen table. Together. At the same time. I hope!!!!

  14. I'd like to plan ahead lunches for the week which would make mornings a lot easier!

  15. What a great idea! I do a similar (although typed and more formal) hello note for my special needs guy to let his teacher know a little bit about him. It hadn't occurred to me to do if for my typical kids too, but what a great way to get them involved and interested in their classroom.

    My back to school goals are to start a healthier after school routine that includes more outside time and less video games.

  16. My son's second grade teacher just sent one of these home with him yesterday. He HATED having to fill it out and it was funny to see what he wrote. He wrote all one word answers to every question.

  17. We are first year homeschoolers, so my goal is to make learning fun, and laugh alot.

    gmstabosz (at) hotmail (dot) com

  18. Its so nice to see parents making all these efforts to ease the transition of their kids into new classroom. It also help out the teachers at the same time. Good job!

    I hope the parents in my country would work towards e same direction too! =X

  19. Love your blog! It's rich with insight for parents and teachers!

    Our goal for this school year is to spend more time on Saturdays doing fun things as a family.

    hollykallison {at} yahoo {dot} com

  20. This back-to-school year is very special to our family since it's our first. Our main goals are to make sure we're organized (i.e. have everything (outfit and lunchbox ready the night before) as well as involved in our daughter's school and activities.

    email address is

  21. Thanks for the note to give to the teacher. Our goal is to continue reading every night outloud. My daughter is in Pre-K and just learning how to read. Thanks!

  22. I love this idea - I wish I'd gotten some while I was teaching! And now that my oldest is going to kindergarten, I'm going to be organized. I swear.

  23. We used this again for the 2nd year in a row and today I got a thank you note from Little Miss Techie's teacher saying that she loves it when students share a little bit about themselves. Thanks for sharing these again and for the reminder! It was such a joy to learn a little bit more about her first grade teacher when we got hers back! :)

  24. comments are closed--winner was chosen and notified this evening.

    Thanks so much for reading and entering, and congrats to Holly!


Thanks for reading! What do you think? . . .