more teach mama:

Friday, July 2, 2010

new for us friday: wolf trap (and ticket giveaway!)

This week's New For Us Friday involved a little travel, a lot of sun, a picnic, and a show that got us movin' and grovin' all in the name of dinos. It was awesome.

We spent the morning at the Children's Theater-in-the-Woods at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts in Vienna, Virginia!

And you can go, too since the great people there have given me a day pack of tickets for a family of four for a family's choice of summer Theater-in-the-Woods shows.

Really, it's a really cool opportunity, and it was a really fun new-for-us activity. The skinny on this week's NFUF:
  • Children's Theater-in-the-Woods at Wolf Trap: We weren't sure what to expect with this NFUF, since (gulp!) neither my husband nor I had ever been to any of the Wolf Trap facilities before.
But the big, nerdy teacher in me did do some research on Wolf Trap's easy-to-navigate and richly informative site, so that I had an inkling of what to expect once we got there. I knew our plan was to see Dinorock and Hayes Greenfield, so I went to their shows and (eeeee!!!) printed out a pdf pre-performance study guide for each show.
following the signs to the Theater in the Woods

Seriously! Pre-performance study guides are available for nearly every show in the Children's Theater-in-the-Woods series. I wanted to sing! I wanted to dance! I wanted to hug the smart person who created these!

I'm not going to pretend I'm a super-teacher-mama here and that Maddy, Owen, and Cora completed every activity in the guides. I'm certainly not, and they didn't.

However, I did read through the guides at breakfast and in the car (fyi: my husband did the driving, and I did the reading!).

The ideas, vocabulary, and concepts were super for getting my kids' brains moving in the right direction so that they'd get the most out of each show.
And they gave me an idea about what to expect with the performances. Thrilling.

The Children's Theater-in-the-Woods is really unlike anything our family had ever seen; it's situated in the middle of the woods on 117 wooded acres. The theater is open, airy, and it seemed like every seat had a perfect view.

Dinorock's The Great Dinosaur Mystery was a fantastic show for our kiddos. The audience helped Dr. Vander Plastercaster and Detective Joe Kafootsie solve the mystery of disappearing fossils, and it was just enough plot to keep the kids interested without confusing or boring them. Filled with songs, movement, funny and engaging dinosaurs and two silly actors, the show seemed perfect for kids ages Kindergarten through grade six.

After the show, we parked it at a picnic table, ate our lunch next to the creek, and basically enjoyed one of the most gorgeous days of the summer in a park we already cannot wait to revisit. With 70 performances from June through August, I'm sure we can schedule another visit soon.
Overall, here's what we thought. . .

We loved:
  • the grounds, the space, the beauty of the whole, entire facility;
  • the actual theater. With trees surrounding us, we felt literally in the middle of the woods. the benches were roomy--there was legroom and kid-on-your-lap room--and families could spread out a bit if they needed;
  • the show, the show, the SHOW because it was fantastic. It moved quickly, kept the kids engaged, threw in some cool dino facts, and had us humming the dino tunes even later in the day.
We wished:
  • we would have known to bring our picnic basket to the theater with us instead of leaving it in the car. We didn't know how far the Theater-in-the-Woods was from the lot, so after Dinorock, my husband ran back to the car, got our lunch, and brought it back to us. We couldn't make the 11:15 show after all because we chose to fill our kids' bellies instead of running the risk of a mid-jazz-show breakdown due to hunger. Now we know.
  • that's it. It was that great of a morning. Really.

Ticket Giveaway Info:
If you and your family would like day pass for Wolf Trap's Children's Theater-in-the-Woods, here's what you need to do: leave me a comment telling me which week you're interested in going, and your email address, and that's it.
This giveaway ends midnight on Friday, 07/09/10, and will choose the winner.

Your show choices are below, and the winner can select any day of either set of performances. A great big thank you to the kind folks at Wolf Trap Foundation for giving our family tickets to the Dinorock show. This is not a sponsored post, and the opinions are all my own, influenced only by my three little ones.


  1. We always love going to these shows in the summertime! They always have great performances and the kids love the shady outdoor seating. One year the grasshopper in front of us was a big hit. We'll have to check out this summer's schedule. (Don't forget the bug spray if you go, too!)

  2. looks like a great place to take the kids! What a great giveaway

  3. Sounds like fun! We'd love to see Rocknoceros the week of August 10-14.

  4. We've never been to the Children's Theater-in-the-Woods and would love to go! Rocknoceros the week of August 10-14 would be our first choice but we'd go to either week, if you can put us in the running for both. Thanks, Amy!

  5. My two girls and I would really love to go!!! We just moved to Northern Virginia and we went from knowing where all the great things to do are, to knowing nothing and we just starting researching... and found Wolf Trap... I love your blog and just printed out your action game for Thursday when it's raining. We would love to win these tickets!!!!

  6. My kids would love to see Rocknoceros the week of Aug 10! A perfect end of summer treat before school starts again! Thanks for sharing & the chance to win!

  7. We've never been to Wolf Trap but have heard how wonderful it is!

    We would choose the week of Aug. 10th. Thanks for the chance!

  8. Thanks for this great giveaway. Would love to go with my family during the week of August 10-14.

  9. this is great - we LOVE wolftrap childrens theater in the woods & were there TODAY - yes, that crazy day with the heat, the only people nuttier than us are going tomorrow - we'd love tickets for the rocknoceros show week - my MIL is around that friday & we'd love to bring her with us :)
    thanks for sponsoring this giveaway!

  10. Looks like fun! We would love to go to either performance. Thanks!

  11. We would love to go the week of August 10-14.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  12. We would love to see Rocknoceros the week of August 10-14.

  13. We went to the Theater in the Woods once last summer and loved it! Would very much enjoy going again.

    My first choice would be the week of August 3-7: Project Trio and Wolf Trap Opera Studio.

    Thanks! Love your blog!

  14. thanks for your comments! sara from MD is the winner of the giveaway!


Thanks for reading! What do you think? . . .