more teach mama:

Friday, June 11, 2010

new for us friday: leapster explorer (and giveaway!)

I am always on the hunt for worthwhile, well-made educational products to use with Maddy, Owen, and Cora. It's sometimes hard to sort them all out because so many do exist on the market, and only recently have we invited the electronic learning devices into our home.

This New For Us Friday, we have a totally new-for-the-world device that's not even on the shelves yet. It's so new that it'll rock everyone else's world--like it rocked ours--on July 15th when it hits stores everywhere.

This New-For-Us device was sent by LeapFrog, and it's the brand-new Leapster Explorer. It has blown us away. Blown. Us. Awaaaay.

The kind folks at LeapFrog have also given me the opportunity to give one Leapster Explorer AND Toy Story 3 Cartridge Game away to my readers. Seriously. You'll get the Explorer on your doorstep on July 15, the very day the product makes its way onto store shelves everywhere. Your pool pals will be so jealous. Your long car trip to the beach will be that much easier because your kiddo will be totally engaged with her new device. Your only problemo? Working out a sharing schedule if you have more than one kid.

Here's the skinny:
  • Leapster Explorer: The Explorer, like its cousin the Leapster, is a handheld gaming platform for 4- to 9-year-olds, but the Explorer takes things to a whole other level.
Considered a "best-in-class" mobile learning device, I immediately loved that the Explorer's screen was large, its graphics clear, colors bright, and that Maddy, Owen, and Cora could either use the touch-screen feature or use the stylus with complete ease.

Owen playing with our Explorer

The Explorer is a "portable hub for dozens of downloadable Leaplet (tm) Learning Apps, including e-Books, videos, game apps, and flash cards." With 12 games and 18 Leaplet Learning Apps, kiddos can play over 40 total games on this device. And by connecting the device to the computer, they can play in the online LeapWorld--"the safe, online learning playground" where parents can also access their child's personalized Learning Path.

Available this fall, a simple accessory, the Leapster Explorer Camera, will turn the Explorer into a single shot and video camera where kids can edit photos, make galleries, and port them into games or videos. (Eeeeee! Sounds so awesome, right?)

Our Explorer arrived loaded with several Leaplet Learning Apps, Game Apps, e-Books, Videos, and Cartridge Games. Our personal faves were:
  • Jewel Train-- a logic game where kids have to connect railroad pieces in order to get their train from Point A to Point B. Owen and Maddy (and even Cora) are currently Jewel Train obsessed.
  • Harmonies--players get to control four singers, turning their voices on and off and adding various musical sounds. Love it.
  • Pet Pad--one of everyone's favorites, kids get to create, feed, bathe, and entertain their own little pet who will then be on their own screen each time they log in.
  • Sugar Bugs--kids get to brush away bugs in teeth. They love it, and why wouldn't they?
  • Mr. Pencil Saves Doodleburg--along with super-silly Mr. Pencil, players help rebuild Doodleburg and practice drawing lines, shapes, and letters along the way. Love, love it.
  • The Penguins of Madagascar--this is the first game Maddy and Owen have ever played where they get to move their 'guy' with the arrows and make him jump, kick, and move. Big fans of the Madagascar movies, my kids love this.
  • Disney*Pixar Toy Story 3-- all the hype right now, my kids have also fallen hard for this game, where they can be Buzz or Woody and (use their early literacy skills) to complete missions and save toys from the Caterpillar Room.
Everyone hearts our Disney Princess Explorer game.

  • Disney Princess Pop-Up Story Adventure-- everyone wants to play this. Even Owen. This really is a pop-up story, where players hear the story and locate clues in each section of the story in order to progress to the next part. All the while, they are secretly learning early reading and music skills along the way. Awesome.
The Explorer is surprisingly easy for kids to navigate, even for those who don't own another handheld. I sat with Maddy and Owen the first few times they played, but before I knew it, they would come running to me, excited about something they figured out or proud about their progress. Some games and Apps did cause Maddy and Owen different levels of frustration, but the age range for the device is wide, so it seems only natural.

Cora, at 3 1/2 years old, initially needed my guidance, but she soon found that the Harmonies App, the Pet Pad, and Mr. Pencil game were ones that she could play with little to no frustration.
Overall, here's the skinny on the Leapster Explorer:

We like:
  • that it is lightweight and sleek but extremely durable. This guy has (shhhh!) taken a few good hits already, and he's still kickin' with gas;
  • the clarity and quality of graphics, the color-quality on-screen, and the size of letters and prompts. My kids have no idea how lucky they are to have this kind of quality on this small of a device, but I remember those teeny, dark screens with fuzzy graphics and tinny sounds;
  • the fact that the Explorer remembers each player's skill level and progress and that even adjusts mid-game to meet the player's needs is, in my opinion, incredible. Especially when I have three kids who can all play on the same device, log in under their names, and pick up where they left off last time on any game;
  • that we can connect and download interactive e-books from the Tag Library to our device. Interactive books on the handheld? Awesome.
  • the Explorer plays videos. Learning videos filled with phonics and math and fun songs and the alphabet;
  • that the Learning Path (although ours has not yet been set up) will keep track of each child's progress both on the Explorer and online in LeapWorld. I cannot wait to get it rolling because it will be really interesting to see areas where they are comfortable and areas where they need more support;
  • that new content will be able to be added to cartridge games and the handheld device via downloads, starting in the fall of 2010. Really? Just seems so cool to me.

We wish:
  • that the pets from the Pet Pad had bodies. Really. Kids get to choose a body for their pet, but the body never shows up, and apparently it's not supposed to. It's a happy little head, tail, and paws, but an empty space for a body. My kids, the pet-crazy kids they are, they wondered what happened to the body. And so did I;
  • that the string to the stylus was a teeny, tiny bit longer. Maddy, my leftie, loves that it's placed on the top left side of the device, but Owen and Cora have to dance around a bit to put it in a proper, comfortable position to use;
  • that I had two more Explorers so that I wasn't constantly practicing my active parenting skills by reminding Maddy, Owen, and Cora about polite sharing skills. I'm only kind of kidding. This is a good problem, really, and the holidays are right around the corner, right?

Want to win your own Leapster Explorer and Toy Story 3 Cartridge game and have it on YOUR doorstep on July 15th?
Here's how:
  • Leave me a comment telling me why your child, children, or you will love the Explorer, and you'll be entered. Include your email address, and that's it. Giveaway ends next Friday, 6/18/10, at midnight. will choose a winner for us to keep things nice and simple.
No worries if you don't win one here, though; you can order your own Leapster Explorer from the Leapfrog site in either green or pink for $69.99; the Game Cartridges retail at $24.99 each and packs of two Leapster Explorer Leaplet Learning Apps for $14.99. A handful of other cool accessories are now available on the site for pre-order and summertime delivery.

Just so you know, we are still big fans of our good ole desktop computer games, and LeapFrog's Tag and Tag Junior still rank high among our family's few electronic 'toys'. But New For Us Fridays don't get much better than this, and seriously, we're pretty darn happy the Explorer found its way to our home.

disclosure: Big thanks to the good people at LeapFrog for giving our family a fully-loaded Explorer to try out, along with several games. We are grateful for their generosity. In exchange for the free product, we were asked to share our complete and honest opinions. So here it is, my honest opinion, influenced only by my three little playas, Maddy, Owen, and Cora.


  1. What a great giveaway!! I know my 4 year old son would love this because he's starting to ask more and more about letters and to write them and more!

  2. I think this might be a fun way for my son to work on his writing and fine motor skills.

  3. my daughter starts kindergarten in the fall and i want to make sure she doesn't lose everything she learned this past year over the summer. this would be a fun way to keep her brain active...


  4. What a great giveaway - my kids would LOVE this! I am hoping to start homeschooling in the fall (dd will be starting grade 2) and anything I can use during the summer to keep her (especially) busy and her brain somewhat engaged would be great.

    We are also driving 22 hours (each way) to visit family this year - this would be the best car toy!!


  5. My kids will LOVE this! Collin is 5 and Reagan is 4 and they are both just beginning to play some educational games on the computer. I think this would be perfect for both of them.

  6. Oh how cool! I hadn't seen these yet. This would be great for my oldest since she's kind of outgrown most of the old leapster games (and her younger sister has hijacked the thing) but she wasn't quite ready for the didj. Oh, and that camera add-on? Love it, can't wait!!!


  7. How fun! My 3.5 year old could really get into this! Thanks!
    amo72 at ymail dot com

  8. Oh, that looks like so much fun!! And since my 5 yr old has a bit of a problem sharing "her" leapster maybe her little brother could play with this one!! It look like LeapFrog has done it again with another outstanding item. :)

  9. My 3 1/2 yr old grandson would love this. He loves to learn and he likes my IPod too much. So I think an electronic of his own would be great! Thanks for the opportunity.

  10. My 5 and 3 year olds would certainly love this! And they wouldn't need to hog my laptop then either! :)

  11. My kids would love this! They don't have any other handheld systems like this, and I'm sure they'd both love the fact that it will save and remember their individual progress. If we don't win, this may be on the Christmas list this year!

  12. Oh my word! This would make my life a little easier - my older daughter uses the family computer for homeschooling, so the little one has to wait until school is out to enjoy online games. This would be the perfect tool for keeping her learning in her FAVORITE way during school hours!

  13. I would love to be entered. Both of my kids have Leap Pads (so sad when they were discontinued) that they play with constantly. They would love the Explorer!

  14. Wow - the Explorer looks awesome. My three girls 6 and 4 yrs old would love taking learning to the next level with Leap Frog. My oldest daughter is starting to outgrow her Leapster and I don't want to get her one of those "other" handhelds!

  15. OMG, OMG, OMG! My kids would LOVE this! We have 1 Leapster, that we laove, but the screen quality is small and lacking. This will DEFINITELY be on my DD2s Christmas list instead of a Leapster. I LOVE games/toys where the kids don't know they're learning! :)

  16. WE have the tag system but my 7 year old has kind of out grown it already so I like the sound of this one growing with her for a couple more years. And my five year old totally is into reading right now so it seems like there are options for both of them in one product!

  17. Anna is in love with my iPod touch, and now when she is reading, I am a lot more relaxed about letting her experiment with electronic learning. This device looks very interesting, and it would be fun to try it out. Thanks to you and to Leapster for this giveaway!

  18. My girls would love this! They love the regular Leapster and enjoy learning games!

  19. Wow I was just looking at this before I came to read my blogs. I am seriously considering it for my Quince. I know he would love it, he is my test driver for great toys for all the grandbabies !

  20. Wow! I love the fact that you can download books to it and interact with them. My dd would love this. She is a book a holic and I am trying to find unique ways to get her to read words.

    eric_danielle at netzero dot com

  21. My Jack would love this. It really seams neat! Jack is 4 and has the traditional leapster and loves it, but this seems so cool!

  22. I would love this for my three youngest kids! Our youngest (age 6) was adopted from China and is struggling with reading. The Barbie princess book will REALLY win her over. Our oldest (age9) (of the 3 youngest!) will be coming home from China in Dec and this would be an AWESOME way to introduce him to English! Our middle (age 7) would just be thrilled to have something fun to play with.

    I would be thrilled to have something that they will both enjoy and learn with!!!
    umiamigrad (at) yahoo (dot) com

  23. This is a fun giveaway! My daughter would love this. She would feel like such a 'big' girl using electronics for learning like she sees her older brothers doing sometimes.

  24. My daughter would LOVE this! I can see her happily playing during our summer travel, and my husband could have his iPhone back!!

  25. My educational game crazed kiddos would love this! It would be great for fine motor skills too.

    hollykallison {at} yahoo {dot} com

  26. We are already BIG fans of Leap Frog (especially the TAG books & the Leapster.) But my 5 year old daughter would LOVE to have this since her 2 brothers already have their own. Thanks for a fabulous giveaway!

    rachelspreschool at yahoo dot com

  27. I too am always looking for educational toys/games for my 3-year old and have a hard time figuring out which ones are eally worthwhile. This one seems like a really cool educational game that the whole family can enjoy. We would love to win it.

  28. Oh my! This one looks like a great device. We too would just be diving into the world of handheld electronics.

    We'd make great use of this at the many medical and therapy appointments we attend each week. I'm always searching for something new to put into the "fun bag" that I take with me to keep the waiting minds busy.

  29. My son would love this because he doesn't have any kind of Leapster stuff but he wants it.Also,I am throwing him a Toy Story birthday party in August and this would make a terrific gift!!!

  30. I know that my 3 and 5 year old would love this, as they love anything Tad and Leap related!!

  31. How do I love it, let me count the ways?
    it's also connected to the learning path.
    it's going to have a camera function soon, which has to be better than the one they're using now.
    can I just go on and on?

    pucktricks6802 at

  32. We love all our Leap Frog toys, we would surely love this as well! My 4 year old loves playing Starfall on the computer, but would be so neat to have his own little handheld educational game system! And I am sure my 2 year old would want to borrow it too. :)

    snoglobe21 at

  33. I'd love to get our camera back, as our son regularly hijacks it for his own use. An educational features on top of that? We haven't given him any screen time. This would make quite the introduction!

  34. My kids would love this! It sounds like they have added some neat things to this one and I am always trying to find ways to sneak learning into their days.

    lisasjunk2 at comcast dot net

  35. My daughter would love this! She is 3 1/2 and enjoys her Leap Frog Tag Reader, but she's the youngest kid in our bunch and always watches the other kids work and play on their Nintendos, iPods, and laptops with jealousy. She would be so proud to have a Leapster like this one!

    Thanks for the contest - chappyandalexa AT earthlink DOT net

  36. My kids love to's that simple:)..great contest.

  37. Michael doesn't have a handheld video game. He plays with my iphone and I think he would LOVE ONE but I've kind of delayed getting him one. This would be perfect for long summer vacation car rides.

  38. I love leapfrog, and I can't wait to try the explorer! I think I am a bigger kid than my 3! This would be perfect for my son. He has a leapster right now, but wants a DS like his sister. He just isn't quite there yet!

    Hope I win! ~fingers crossed~

  39. My daughter would love this. She does not have any other toys that talk, but when she sees friends battery operated gadgets, she wants to keep them!!!

    Hope we win!

  40. I was thinking about starting with the Leap Frog stuff for my son but, I wasn't sure where to start. This looks like a great option! He loves to get his hands on anything electronic.

  41. I'm not entering but just had to pop over to say that your review was really thorough and awesome! Well done as always! :)

  42. I have 3 kids, 4,4 and 2. my kids love trying to play games on the wii. they need something their speed. and having three kids of different ages, the leap frog would last for a bit in my family

  43. What a great product!!! My son Tyler would love, he's my bookworm school lover, and if I could give him an educational game that would be awesome!

  44. We love Leap Frog products. My daughter would absolutely LOVE this!!

  45. My daughter would love this...She has Down sydrome and is currently working on using a mouse for the computer. She has master touch screens, but we do not have one at home for her. She really wants to play on the computer. This would be a great subsitution for that. I love all the educational game for it.

  46. oh man, macy and jake are going to love this. i have been waiting for the release ever since we discovered it was going to be coming out. love that you are able to give a first hand opinion of it, as its so hard with new electonics geared for kids to know if they will be worth the money.

  47. Hi
    My daughter just turned four and would we would love to try this out!
    She needs entertainment while she's always "waiting" for her big brother's activities ;)

  48. My kids and I LOVE leapfrog products. They have great educational toys. My 3 yr old would love the explorer to play w/ while her brother plays w/ his DS.

  49. I have two children ages 6 and 3. We LOVE LOVE LOVE the Leap Frog products. They have nailed incorporating education, fun, and technology into great products that parents can feel proud to share with their children.

  50. Our daughter doesn't own any handhelds so she plays with my iPhone. It would be wonderful if she had something of her own during long car rides that was educational and fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. All the new features sound great! Our girls would love this! Thanks for the chance to win!

  52. What a wonderful resource! I would really love this for my 4 year old...she has to sit through so many of her big brother's soccer games and medical appointments. What a great educational tool! Thanks for doing this give-away. :)

  53. This would be a great upgrade from the leapster and cool enough to keep my kids from asking for a DS! I love the educational games that come with Leapster. My kids don't even know they are learning.

  54. My 3.5 and 5 year old would love this! We have held off on buying them a leapster, but I think it's time!

  55. I would love it for my daughter, though she is a little young still. It looks like a great tool to have, to help the kiddos learn while they have fun!

  56. What a great giveaway! My six year old is asking for a DS but I'd be more of a fan of this explorer. She plays the games at PBS and would love more!

    xkbannis at tx dot rr dot com

  57. my 3 children would LOVE this! We tried to get them Leapsters for christmas but they were all sold out. We were so bummed. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this!

  58. ust read your blog about the new leapster explorer. I would love to enter the give-away. My little Addison would just LOVE this! She is always getting the hand-me-downs and the old leapster we have has definitely seen much BETTER days! The cord is almost falling off but it still chugs along and Addy loves to play with it. Her sisters have itouch's and Addy has to just watch from afar. I would love for her to get something new of her OWN! :)

    Contact Info:
    Stacy Oberholzer

  59. My son's 4th birthday is July 16, so it would be just perfect if we won this on July 15! He would absolutely love this - he's always kicking me off my laptop to play computer-based games and I've been looking for a handheld that had some educational aspect to it. I think this is the answer! Thanks for the review!

    julie DOT smallwood AT gmail DOT com

  60. My daughter would love this. Really like this for her birthday in July!

  61. Such an awesome educational 'toy' can't wait to get my hands on one! My DD would love this toy. She has just begun to show a great interest in letters and talking (she was tongue tied until a little bit ago).

  62. We are homeschooling our 5 daughters from China. The last one is joining us this month at the age of 8. This would help all of my girls acquaint her with English and learning to play together.
    Thanks for such a great giveaway or visit our blog at

  63. Wow! Now I am excited about the new Explorer. My children would be blown away by this hand held toy. My children are 3 and 5 so the age would be perfect to grow with them. We have spent the first few weeks of summer exploring your educational websites that you recommended and this would be a great way to extend that learning. Taking pictures and video would also be a great learning experience for us all!What a great giveaway!

  64. I'm so excited about the latest Leap Frog Toy!! We purchased Tag's for my 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter the day you reviewed them. I know both my kids would love this, but especially my son who loves learning early reading and math skills via games. Thanks for an amazing blog and a great giveaway!!
    stacy at sacbookmom dot com

  65. Leap Frog is one of my favorite educational toy companies. My daughter loves little Tad. This gift would be so perfect. Her birthday is at the end of June. What an awesome surprise gift for her. Thanks for all your postings, we love you also.

  66. What a great device. I think my son would love it too. Lots of great activities for him to play. I love that you can track his progress and connect it to the internet for added opportunities.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  67. ohhhhhh! Put us in the mix for this big win! Ella and Zach would both love it. Anything electronic catches their eye....and with learning involved, mommy will be happy too!
    And, if we lose, be forewarned... we'll just have to show up on your doorstep and play with yours.... :)

  68. We love Leap Frog products in our house. I know my children would just love a chance to try the new Explorer.

  69. Lucky you to get to play with it before it's out! I've been waiting not-so-patiently for it to be available. My 4 year old would love to play wih it while waiting for her brothers at their various extracurriculars, I would love the fact that she's 'working while playing' while waiting, and the big brothers would love for her to play this and leave their system alone. ;-D

  70. WOW! You are awesome to score such a faculous giveaway!! WahoO!! My son turns 5 in July, this would be a great Bday gift! I love that you can download books!!

    jenn0325y at yahoo dot com

  71. My parents just moved 3 hours away and I know we will be in the car visiting them and my little ones have a hard time being in the car for long periods of time and I think the leapfrog would definately brighten up the trip for them.

  72. Wow!!! My daughters would love everything this new game system has to offer. What will they think of next? Thanks for testing it out and giving us a chance to win.

  73. what a super awesome giveaway! your post is awesome, a lot of information :) Well I know my daughter will love it and me too! no more nagging in the car or at the waiting rooms too, thanks so much for such a wonderful opportunity
    storytime5366 at gmail dot com

  74. wow! this would be great for my 4.9 yo long car rides to grandma's...he has the scenery memorized! plus he is a toy story fiend, really.

  75. aj said...

    wow! this would be great for my 4.9 yo long car rides to grandma's...he has the scenery memorized! plus he is a toy story fiend, really. oops forgot my email. ajvarnadoatyahoodotcom

  76. What a great giveaway! Right now the only electronic toy we have for the girls is the Tag Junior, and I really would love to have something else for my 4.5 year old to play and learn from. I'm getting nervous about her starting kinder in the fall when she'll be starting on her 5th birthday and therefore the youngest in the class, so I'd like to give her any advantage that I can!

  77. My son is 3 1/2 and his 18 mo old brother plays with ALL of his toys. This would be great for my guy to learn with AND be something his little bro wouldn't be able to use! I'm also wanting to find great toys for my son, maybe sneak in some learning with the fun!

  78. We love the Leapster at our house and this would be an awesome addition since we have 3 preschoolers fighting over it! @

  79. I would love to win one for my students to use they would love this!

  80. My 5 year old would love this (especially on summer car trips). It sounds perfect for keeping him entertained.

    I would love to as a way to reinforce some of the skills he learned in kindergarten and as a way to keep him thinking! Thanks for the chance to enter.
    mommastaci33 at yahoo dot com

  81. I think this would be great for my young students who are struggling readers.

  82. If we win this, it will be our first handheld learning device. I think Bear would get a lot of use out of this. I don't usually like this sort of toy, but now at 3, she is starting to be ready for some computer skills. This would be a great way for her to gain some of those skills while playing. I know she will love the Mr. Pencil as she has played on a friends' leapfrog scribble and write and loves that.

    juliecerdas at gmail dot com

  83. My 5 yr old son would love this because he likes gadgets and games, just like his daddy! Bonus that it's educational!

    cookiert at yahoo

  84. At 4, my grandson is ready for his very first hand held video game, I'd love it to be a Leapster Explorer!

  85. My 5 yr old would love this! And maybe my laptop will get a rest while she plays with the leapster.

  86. I have a 5 year old and he would love the upgrade from his Leapster2. The graphics would be better on this, plus he would have far more fun playing all of these games.

  87. I just found your site, and it looks really interesting. I love the giveaway too. My son doesn't have any toys like this, so he'd never now he had an especially good version, but he'd love playing those simpler games for the younger ones. jeanz42 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  88. My son would like this because it's interactive - he loves toys like that. Plus, it's kind of like his own computer and he always wants to play on mine when I'm using it, but he can't really yet. This would be more on his level.

    frankandkatie at gmail dot com

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. My girls would love this. They are ages 4 and 6 and enjoy having screen time. But I limit it to educational only. Having a new leapter handheld explorer would be a great learning tool. Also, car trips, which we do a lot in the summer, would be easier!

  91. I have 3 children ages 3, 6 and 7. We have one dying old school Leapster and would LOVE to try this new one. Our older kids loved the old style, this looks like it would be a better fit for their differing ages.

  92. my son would love this. He loves everyone else's leapsters and other handheld games, we just haven't bought him any yet.

  93. Oh Wow! I'm so glad I saw this. My son will be four this fall. His cousins are very much into video games (which I don't let him play), he has become very curious about them though. I was going to get him the Leapster 2, but now I'll wait for this. Thank you so much for sharing!

  94. My daughter will be 4 in the fall and she is slowly getting the hang of video games. It would be great to have the Leapster Explorer to foster some independence into her and have her learning at the same time! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
    ifsteacher (at) yahoo (dot) ca

  95. My 6 year old has been asking (and asking, and asking) for a DS for a while, and I've been reluctant, because I'm limiting his screen-time and I'd like him to be engaging in educational games when he is playing on a computer. This looks great - and would be wonderful for the car-time during our summer travel adventures.

    mombalance at gmail dot com

  96. Thanks for the great giveaway! My little girls would love this - Natalie 4 & Lucy 2.5 play with mama's old school leapster when we visit over there and hate to leave it behind. It sounds awesome with all the interactive activities and new cool downloads you can get!

    torynado at gmail dot com

  97. I have 2 young children who are very interested in the Leapster. My 6 year old has her own Leapster that she. Absolutely loves and uses often. I also have a 3 yo foster daughter who likes to play with the Leapster whenever she can get her little hands on it! The Leapster Explorer would be perfect her. We currently travel 3 1/2 hours between Frederick, MD and Pittburgh, Pa to visit our older daughter who has been in the hospital for 3 months. The Leapster is the perfect toy to keep these 2 little girls occupied in the car and in the hospital, so you can understand how the Explorer could really make life easier for all of us.
    > Thanks for your blog

  98. My 4.5 year old daughter would love this! We often drive 3-4 hours to visit family, and I wouldn't feel so bad about letting her play video games if they were at least educational.

    We have the TAG reader already and she loves it!

    annasophia.grace at gmail dot com

  99. My kids would LOVE the Leapster Explorer, as we don't have any handheld game systems and only 2 fitness games for our Wii. They are 5, 7 and 8 and I'm sure would be fighting over it all the time... but that's okay. ;)

  100. My son would love this because of the Touchscreen(HE LOVES PLAYING WITH MY i Pod Touch) feature.

    (mommalovesmee AT GMAIL DOT COM)

  101. My preschooler would love this and it would be a great way for him to learn and play! He loves to play games on my phone and the Wii, so this would be right up his alley! Thanks!

    christycross1977 at gmail dot com

  102. My daughter would love this and so would my iphone. My daughter loves to play on the iphone and I would like her to have something of her own.

  103. My daughter would love this! We love Leap Frog products and this would be her first Leapster.

  104. This looks like a great new product! I have loved LeapFrog products for quite a while now--from the first LeapFrog books I bought for my daughter who is now 13. My son loves video games--me, not so much. I think this would be a nice move up from his Leapster and might help us avoid the DS he is asking for. I only value electronics that help to build literacy and learning and this looks like another winner from the LeapFrog family!

  105. My kids would love this!! They love anything Leapfrog and I know they would especially like the touch cool.

  106. My 6 y/o loves his leapster and his 3 y/o brother is ready to play too. I know they would love to have a new one with new games.
    abbiejohnsoncm at yahoo dot com

  107. What a great alternative to a DS! My 6 y/o son would love it(as would his 3.5 y/o sister!). Send one my way Teach Mama!

  108. My 2 and 1/2 year old knows her letters and can use my ipod better than me.... I think she would love that device!
    littlekaira at yahoo . com

  109. We're a big educational toy family and I've been resistant to hand-held games for a while. We did cave with a Leapster for my 5 year old and he does love it. This looks like a major upgrade and I know my daughter would like one for her 4th birthday too- this would be GREAT!

  110. My son isn't into video games that much, but likes educational computer games. This would be a perfect way for him to play without his toddler sister's help.

  111. This would be an awesome interactive way to keep my daughter learning through the summer! We love Leapster stuff and it would be great on hot summer days to have something new in the house to explore!

  112. Wow! Whats not to love? The large screen - it still surprises me that so many electronic toys for children have microscopic screens! The touch screen is excellent for my not quite dexterous 3.5 year old. AND I love that it is portable so it's something that can keep her occupied and entertained while we're out and about. I could on but I'll stop there. For now.

  113. Yeah! My son LOVES Leapster and Toy Story, and learns really well with electronic toys. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    walsh_sue at sbcglobal dotnet

  114. I think this could be a great motivational tool. Chores might seem a little less painful if they resulted in a some game-time on this nifty device!

    readforfree @ gmail dot com

  115. I have 2 children I adopted from Foster care and usually have a few others from 3 -8 at any given time it will be used a lot in this house and when the children have DR appointment. thanks for considering us

  116. My son would love this! We have many Leap Frog products and have yet to be my son has been begging for some hand-held game, this would be perfect!

    Chickfilamom AT comcast DOT net

  117. My son loves his leapster and would be thrilled with some new adventures on the leapster explorer.

    baxtermania at

  118. What a great thing! Froggy would love this. She has never been able to play with the regular Leapster because the small screen and stylus requirement were beyond her limited dexerity. This would let her be one of the gang again.

    dolfin at lionden dot org

  119. My kids love their Leapster, so I know they'd love the Explorer as well. Sounds like a great learning tool.

  120. I would love this toy for my soon-to-be 4 year old. We are a military family and traveling back and forth to visit parents is always a long trip and this would help her to pass the time.

  121. I would love this for my daughter. she has the leapster now that is a handme down from my older daughter. looks like they are stepping up there games.


Thanks for reading! What do you think? . . .