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Friday, June 4, 2010

new for us friday: first vlog! (and flip minoHD giveaway)

I've thought about doing this for ages, and now I finally have a reason.

This New For Us Friday marks a very new--and very scary first for me: my first-ever vlog. I've got reason to do it, too--I'm sharing some pretty cool ways of using video recordings to enhance your kiddos' early literacy learning, and I'm giving away a new, snazzy, easy-to-use Flip MinoHD. (And I'm giving you the skinny on how you could possibly pocket $10,000. Read on, friends.)

Not only are these handy Flip MinoHD's awesome to throw in your bag and take anywhere, they're easy to use, they're super-HD quality, they're great for chronicling special family events, and they even make learning fun.

So here's this week's New For Us (me) Friday:
  • My First-Ever Vlog: The camera-phobe I am, I initially hesitated when my husband purchased our Flip, but after his priceless shots of Maddy, Owen, Cora (and himself!) sledding down our neighborhood hills, spinning, twisting, and face-planting in the snow, I knew our purchase was well worth the money.
Our trip to Disney, our parties, our good times--and even challenging ones--have been saved thanks to our teeny video camera, and I'm grateful.

But these easy cameras are not only for keeping track of fun family memories. Here are some other ways to use your Flip MinoHD with an educational spin:

my very first vlog in my whole entire life

In case your kids were napping or you just have an aversion to watching random people's vlogs, my list included just three simple ways of sneaking in some learning while playing with the ole video camera:
  1. Record your child saying or singing the alphabet on camera. Pointing to the letters as she goes enforces that all-too-important one-to-one correspondence and will more clearly demonstrate her letter-identification knowledge.
  2. Record your child reading all or part of a familiar text. Even if it seems too easy, that's okay! Then look back together at the recordings and talk about what made some readings stronger than others. Was it attention to punctuation, enunciation, pacing? Try another recording (if she's up for it!) to work on one area of need.
  3. Record yourself (or your partner) reading one or a few of your child's favorite books. It's a super way of modeling what fluent reading should sound like, by your child's very first teacher--YOU!
So are you all psyched and ready to score your own Flip MinoHD and try some of these things out this summer?

Here's how: The people at Cisco want to know: If your TV could do anything, what would you want it to do? In fact, they want to know so much, if you think you could come up with a pretty decent, creative video where you answer this question, you could win $10,000. Seriously. And three 'popularity' videos will each win $500 gift cards to Amazon. That's certainly not pocket change in my 'hood, my friends. There's no harm in trying, so give it a shot. Head to the Cisco TV Video Contest for more information. (And if you win, let us know!)

They also will give one teach mama reader his or her own Flip MinoHD if they take a second to leave a comment here answering this question: If your TV could do anything, what would you want it to do?

So to win the Flip MinoHD for yourself (to enter the contest or to use for some sneaky--and fun--learning!) leave your answer (and email address) here between now and next Thursday, June 10, 2010 at midnight. The winner will be picked by Good luck!

With the anxiety that this lil vlog caused me, it's doubtful that I'll get back in front of the camera, but who knows? I stepped out of my comfort zone a bit, which is the whole point of our New For Us Fridays. We don't have to love what we're doing--we just have to try it once, right?

fyi: I was contacted by the people at earned media to see if I would like to receive my own Flip MinoHD in exchange for sharing information about Cisco's TV Video Contest. Since we have our own Flip already (although not the cool, new MinoHD, I thought my awesome readers would like to use one--for some learning at home, for some memory-documenting, or for an easy entry into the big Cisco contest. This was not a sponsored post; I received no other compensation for writing this.)


  1. fantastic topic. Early literacy is so important and I never thought about recording my kids reading, that's a great idea!

  2. You did great! ( 2 thumbs up smiley)

  3. Ok...first off loved the VLOG! Second if my tv could do anything it should connect to the internet via WIFI so I could download movies right to the tv.

  4. Great vlog! And I have to say if my TV could do anything it would have to cook. Seriously, just dinners. ;-)

  5. Great ideas in your vlog! If my tv could do anything, I would want it to be programmable in a different sort of way. I would program the shows I allow my kids to see and how much time I want them to have for the day and this info would be stored on their own "tv credit card." The card would be read by the remote and allow them to choose from the pre-approved shows. When the allotted time is up, the tv goes off.

  6. Nice! And if my TV could do ANYTHING, I wish it would do all the chores that are not getting done while I am watching it....laundry, dishes, mopping, etc. How great would that be?!?!?!? :)

  7. Oh no! Forgot the email:!

  8. Love your blog and we have been saving/eying/forgettingtobuy a Flip for awhile.

    If my TV could do anything (useful) I would wish for it to be a better connection portal -- I'm thinking of combining Skype-type technology with Facebook features so we could have a family time with our family in other cities. Big wish -- but constantly on my mind since we moved away from hearth and home.

    (the Flip would also keep us connected to family) : )

    Email is kat (dot) lally (at) gmail (dot) com

  9. You look beautiful on camera!

    My TV does pretty much everything I want it to. I wish I had a suggestion, but I don't. I have a DVR, I have Netflix through my Wii, I have on demand movies.

    Oooh! Ooooh! Here's an idea: a small DVD drive attached to the TV so I wouldn't have to have a separate DVD player. But it would have to be able to repaired or replaced without dragging the whole TV somewhere.

  10. I would love for my TV to download a DVD so that I don't have to put it in except for the first time for my daughter. Kind of like when you download a song for your ipod an then it's always there to listen to.

    Maybe there are Tvs that do that. I'm no up on all the technology.

    I'd LOVE to review and giveaway a flip on my site too Cisco! Wink, Wink!

  11. If my TV could do anything it would be to skip the advertisements, yep, all of them! Especially when my daughter is watching :)

    burnettmc [at] gmail [dot] com

  12. I would want my TV to turn itself off at the end of a show. Sometimes it is so late and I can't work up the energy to turn it off so I end up watching late night re-runs. If the thing would turn off, I'd be jarred enough to move my silly self to bed.

  13. If my TV could do anything, I would want it to allow me to jump into the program I'm watching and be a part of it.

  14. Must be the week for first vlogs!! Great job ;-)

    If my tv could do anything... hmmm...anything? It would be fab if it could just suction up all the dust from the house while it's on!

  15. If my TV could do anything, it would be "self cleaning" --like my oven. I get so tired of the sticky fingerprints on the TV with 2 little boys!

  16. Since our TV is for watching movies and the news (we are a cable-free family), I would want it to have WiFi, controlled through a simple remote (no keyboards, or remotes as big as my head) that would allow us to choose movies from an on-line service (no wasting fuel to drive to the local video store or RedBox to pick-up and return videos). We would also be able to choose/stream news from anywhere, not just our local stations (like BBC World), etc.

    There are some really good ideas on here. Hope someone picks up on them and develops them into reality!

    LOVE the Flip cameras (used a friend's once -- awesome!), but can't afford one with hubby out of work! Thanks!


  17. Your Vblog was great!! You look good on camera.

    If my TV could do anything- it would have to be able to hook up an Ipod to it through USB or something. I love music and want my favorites on the TV.

  18. I love your ideas for vlogs, I had recently tried videos on my digital camera, more like video clips. But the idea I want to share with you is having your kids pretend their future career. I have video of my one son pretending to give me the weather forecast and the other one giving me a cooking demonstration. They have to have their thoughts in the right order when doing these and sequencing is so important in life. I so Enjoy your blog!!! Thanks for the great ideas!

  19. great post! loved the vlog! the flip is awesome! my friend has one and i've been thinking about getting one b/c i've been seriously delinquent at taking videos of my kids--seriously, i may have to have another baby just so i can have some baby video! if my tv could do anything--i would like it to organize all my viewing for me--suggest what i'd like to watch based on my viewing history, have all my titles ready to go, etc. kind of like tivo used to do i guess, but it would suggest stuff i'd actually watch!

  20. I would love to have my TV connected to the internet, so we could download movies directly. I think you can buy a box that does that? We get around the problem by using our computer as our TV; of course that means the screen is on the small side...

    thriftycraftmama at gmail dot com

  21. What a great topic for a vlog! If my TV could do anything it would signoff at the end of the specified time with a message that told the kids it was nap time now and they had to stay quietly on their mats for TWO hours. No peeps, no sillies, QUIET! For TWO HOURS. Sort of like a nanny LOL

  22. Great first vlog! Hmm...what would I want my tv to do? It would be cool if it was like a smart board, especially for homeschooling!

  23. Wow! What a great giveaway and question. At first I thought it would be neat to have the words at the botton of the show so kids can read along with their favorite show but then I realized all you have to do is put it on the subtitles option (right?). I can't think of anything I'd want it to do that it can't already do. ok wait, it would be nice to watch shows anytime I want (before I tape them) like the finale at Greys before that night. I doubt anyone can make that happen.

  24. If my TV could do anything, I would love it to be able to deliver the dinners I always see on restaurant commercials...

  25. Fabulous first ever vlog! (Although I do wish the powers that be would come up with a better word than "vlog"-- so awkward to say and write!)

    As for the TV doing anything question... if my TV could clean my house, magically erase a dozen pounds from my midsection, and increase my bank account by a few decimal points, that would be frickin fantastic. :)

  26. How fun would it be to record my girls singing...they would get a kick out of seeing themselves.

    I like someone's idea of a smart board...that would be so cool! What about smell-a-vision? Too ridiculous? Probably! I just want a wider screen that doesn't cut off the words on electric company!

    Thanks for such a great giveaway.

  27. We have been researching the flip for months - It looks awesome!
    I would love our TV to be voice controlled since we can't seem to keep the remote in the right place! @

  28. Amy,
    You did a fantastic job with your vlog. I actually think you are a natural!
    I would like our tv to sprout legs and walk off in the night so we wouldn't have one at all;)
    But, I think my husband would argue that it would be awesome if our tv were voice controlled so he could tell if from the other room to "turn up!"

  29. You did a great job on the vlog! I understand though. I'm not really on on camera person so I'd be nervous too. My daughter loves to play with our video camera but I thin with a Flip it'd be easier for her to hold

  30. If my tv could do anything I would love for it to eliminate commercials or at least mute them. If that wasn't possible how about just turning the audio of the commercials down to a bearable level.

    ladybug5 atmedotcom

  31. Great vlog!! I love what you do here. One idea for my TV would be to allow me to record messages to my kids to be played while they are watching the TV. They are so intent on the TV during their 30 min. limit, if between commercials they could hear words from me that would be impactful!

    jenn0325y at yahoo dot com

  32. If my tv could do anything I would want it to be able to cook anything from the food channel.
    good luck to everyone else in this contest.

  33. Awesome Vlog, Amy! Glad to see your BEE-u-tiful face! I'd really like my TV to give me compliments, like "nice outfit" or "you look thin today - have you lost weight?" A few nice sentiments to get me through the day!

  34. I would LOVE for my TV to be voice activated- by parents only!! :) we are ALWAYS losing the remote!!

    suzieqmckeon AT yahoo DOT com

  35. Fun learning ideas! I would like my TV to cut out the commercials of scary movies. I've injured myself a few times lunging for the remote as my kid stares horrified at the commercial.

  36. Oooo good question. I think if my tv could do anything, it would be portable (light enough and strong enough) that I could take it with me into rooms where we have no tvs when I need to do something there - like the kitchen or the office. Orrrrr it could pull up the recipes I need so that I can see them from the kitchen :)

  37. Great vlog and giveaway!

    If my TV could do anything, I would wish for it to record and or connect to the internet.

  38. If my TV could do anything, I would want it to turn itself off after my kids watched 1 hr. of TV.

    Oh, and do the laundry.

  39. my tv would be able to normalize the volume during ads - too often I have a kid about to fall asleep & DH's tv is so loud to catch the quiet bits on lost, 24 & similar shows - great for people without kids, but not for me; my remote would have something equivalent to a "clapper" attached & my tv (or cable provider) would also have an info button for me to store a few fave channels - ever since we switched to fios, I seem to be able to remember network tv #'s & the kids channels, but blank when it comes to turning on the channels for my own fluff, so I watch less & less of my own tv & leave theirs on! (if I could use the remote to access a notes file, or even a list of my favorite channels, I'd be golden!) Even better if the tv was 'smart' enough to offer suggestions of programming based on what I've watched (also included in that 'profiles' for family members, as I'd rather they not suggest Super Why to me!!

  40. Great job on your first vlog! I love using video with my kids - they love to record and watch themselves over and over, doing all sorts of things. When my son was first learning his times tables, we recorded him quizzing himself! He'd replay the video and have to give himself the answer. He got a big kick out of that.

    Several other people have mentioned the big thing I want from a tv NOW... to normalize the volume. Not only between a program and the commercials, but, because we don't watch much commercial tv, also within the program. Sometimes my son likes to watch a movie while my daughter naps and she is often startled awake by a suddenly very loud noise. I'd just like a "normalize volume" setting - that could, of course, be turned off for when we're watching a movie as a family and WANT that emotional experience of a sudden loud noise! :)

  41. Great job on the should do more! Thanks for the giveaway! I would love for the TV to be able to store DVDs (think on-demand) and rewind VHS's (we still have some here) and put these all 'away' - meaning out of sight and in alphabetical order :) (your own netflix at home). I also love the idea that the TV would store all of your own shows of interest to be played on-demand. Lots of dreamy ideas while owning only the minimum I do not want to pay the price for all of those extras. ps we do not even have a video camera however with 3 kids + homeschooling, would love to record some of their words and songs and reading work! Thanks! ~C
    ~cmhesh @ yahoo dot com

  42. I would love a TV that you could somehow "save" movies/shows to--kind of like iTunes for cable.

    Great vlog. I have taped my kids reading stories before . . . they like to listen to themselves :). I also tape my daughter while she's practicing dance so she can see how the steps look when she's doing them.

  43. Love the post-I've been entertaining the idea of small video camera- this sounds perfect and the ideas are great for reading fun and learning!

    I would love to be able to send shows to other people (do some fancy DVR's already do this?). I often see a show or segment and think, I've got to let my sister or friend see this. I'd love to send it to them, like email. And of course, I'd love the tv to cook, clean, do the laundry, and grocery shop!!

  44. If our TV could do anything it would call and connect (like skype) to our friends and family from far away along with record us at the same time, so we could have almost face to face chats and catch up.
    (gilda_spencer at yahoo dot com)

  45. can a dad still post on a "mama" site?? social girl media told me that you rock! Great vlog!

    As for the Q about my TV: I wish the darn thing would know when my show has been slightly moved due to a long NFL game or other event. There's nothing worse than watching a show then the last 10 minutes are cut off!

    Keep up the good work!

  46. by the way, my email is!

  47. I LOVE your vlog, very informative and I didn't ever think about using a camera for anything other than making silly movies or recording a school play.

    You are incredible.

    And I REALLY love that you chose to give away this camera to your readers. YOU ARE AWESOME!

  48. What great ideas to use technology for learning!

    If my TV could do anything, I would like it to be able to form a wireless connection with other devices, like a video camera, laptop, etc. so I could display the images on a larger screen with ease.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  49. If my tv could do anything I wish we could stop having to have direct tv so my husband could watch steelers games because I hate their DVR.

    did that answer your question? Enter me anyway!

  50. I would like to be able to connect my camera to my tv so I could play a picture slideshow or video straght from the camera.

  51. i think it would be cool to have 3-D at home on our tv!


  52. I'd want it to be able to connect to the Internet to play videos from Hulu and other online sites in full screen.

  53. I would love for my TV to play our photos when it is not in use. I think the kids would love to see themselves on it. The tv can probably do this, but I have no clue how it would work!

  54. I would love for my TV to be wireless and immediately hook up to all the electronica and video games systems!! AND act as a video phone so I can chat with my sister! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

  55. thanks, friends, for your kind words and super-creative ideas. contest is closed and winner notified!

    let us know if you win the $10,000!


Thanks for reading! What do you think? . . .