more teach mama:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

teacher appreciation week--water bottle notes

As many know, it's Teacher Appreciation Week this week, a time to really let all the teachers in our lives know how grateful we are for their hard work.

With my kids being so young, it's hard for me to physically help out in Maddy's school like I wish I could. All I could do to assist with the teachers' luncheon today was to bring a case of water as my contribution. Lame? Sure. Totally and completely lame with a capital 'L'.

But at least it's something, right?

While finding coverage for Owen and Cora may be difficult--or impossible--some days, I still wanted to express my gratitude to the staff at Maddy's school in some way.

Note-crazy I am, so I spruced up the ole case of H2O last night when the kids had gone to bed. And for some reason, I felt a little bit better dropping it off this morning.
  • Water Bottle Notes: For those times when you just cannot manage anything else (like me, this busy month of May. . . ), Water Bottle Notes make even the most simple contribution to anything teacher-y a little brighter.
Okay, or at least I'm telling myself they're cool because they only took a second to print, cut out, and attach to my lame case of water. But they sure prettied-up our kitchen counter while they sat there waiting for elementary school drop-off today.

our water bottles, all dressed up and ready for their luncheon

Water Bottle Notes are here as a pdf to download if you'd like to put a smile on your teachers' faces this week. . . or whenever you're able.
Maybe this isn't your year to help out at your kiddo's school a ton, either. It's hard to do it all--this is for sure. But sometimes even the little things we're able to do, while we're catching up with our husband for the first time in two days, or when we're sitting down for the first time in hours makes us feel just a little bit better.

And if we can show our children's teachers how very much we appreciate them, I think it's totally worth our while--even if it's a short while.


  1. =) not lame at all! I love it! Little notes are the best and I think ALL teachers like to be thanked and felt appreciated! Good job!

  2. What an incredibly thoughtful and fabulous idea. I can just imagine how much those teachers appreciated your recognition. I'm sure that you helped to make their day very special. Kudos to you!

  3. what a brilliant idea!
    do you mind if i used the same method? :)

  4. Those notes at just the perfect touch. When I started staying home with my youngest two years ago I was (and still am) in the same boat as you. So I committed to be an encourager from home. I enjoyed sending in little treats every once in a while and it filled my urge to help out!

  5. You know what? It's not lame at all , it's actually pretty awesome! And I bet it made their day!

    This reminds me of Friends episode when Phebe was put in charge of ice for a party and she managed to turn it into smth fabulous!

    Great idea, Amy!

  6. What a fun idea! I put special soaps, lotions, flowers in the teachers' bathrooms and am wishing I had thought to put tags on the pumps. Next year!

  7. I'm going to print out your notes and just stick them in my daughter's homework folder from time to time! Kind of like your lunchbox notes...but for teachers all year round! Love it!!!

  8. In my opinion little things make a big difference and this is the perfect example. What a delightful surprise to find a note on a water bottle... Love Tech Saavy Mama's idea of using them throughout the year too! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Cute! And a nice idea for teacher conference time, too.

  10. What a cool idea! I'll definitely remember this one.

  11. Very cute! Perhaps it's not all in the presentation, but in the sentiment too. I'm going to use this idea for school next week!

  12. As a Preschool teacher I can assure you it is definately the words that count! It is nice to know that your hard work is noticed and appreciated and NOTHING says that better than a heartfelt note!

    Lovely idea :)


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