more teach mama:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

quick trick: our art book

My kids have been crazy about drawing and coloring and writing and doodling for as long as I can remember.

Maybe it's because we keep our house stocked with paper and markers whenever the kids want to use them, maybe it's because the kids each have traveling writing centers in their rooms, or maybe it's because are constantly writing notes ourselves. . . and are often doodling on any ole paper we can find.

Whatever the case, I'm happy that my kiddos are inspired. But I am not happy with the mess of papers, marker caps, and finished--and unfinished--artwork here, there, and everywhere.

This was our dining room table on a good day--a good day.

So yesterday, while our family decompressed from Maddy and Owen's first-ever tee-ball practice, I went organizing nutty, and I came up with (hopefully, hopefully, hopefully!) a solution to our artwork chaos.

Let's hope this Quick Trick does the trick:
  • Our Art Book: Thanks to my high-school English teaching days, I have dozens and dozens of 3-ring binders filled to the brim with all of my papers, resources, and units for everything I ever taught. From Romeo and Juliet to A Raisin in the Sun, from Lord of the Flies to Frankenstein, from poetry to thesis papers and speeches to grammar, you name it, I have it. Filed neatly in many binders.
But finally yesterday, I tucked a few lessons and units away and found a new home for the basic 3-ring binder--our Art Book.

All the Art Book is is a big (ugly) 3-ring binder with Maddy, Owen, and Cora's artwork clipped inside. It's not artwork from school or projects we do around here. It's just the many loose sheets that have occupied our dining room table for way too long.

I hole-punched all of the sheets and shoved them in. And honestly, as ugly as the book may be from the outside, on the inside, it's really cool.

Just like Maddy's Drawing A Cat book or Drawing a Happy Face book, our Art Book is a snapshot of where my kids are now, at the present, as far as abilities, interests, and challenges are concerned.

Maddy's drawing of Cora, next to Cora's drawing of something.

Owen's 12th picture of race cars racing.

I considered--for a second--adding dividers to the Art Book, one for Maddy's work, Owen's work, and Cora's work. I think it'd be a great way of keeping work separated, and it may be more fun for the kids when they go back to look through their book. But my kiddos are young yet, so I'm taking baby steps.

Maybe after Art Book 1 is filled, Art Book 2 will have dividers for each person's work. But for now, I'll just be really glad if all the dining room table masterpieces find their way into Mr. Art Book. Period.

To help in the process, I added an organizer to our dining room (and it totally fits with our decor, right?) that has a spot for paper, the Art Book, and markers and crayons. The paper in the drawer is already punched, so upon completion, the artwork needs only to be signed, and then it's ready for landing in its permanent Art Book home--unless it's scheduled to be sent to a doting grandparent, aunt, or uncle, of course!

So that's it--just a quick little Quick Trick for organizing our art work. We'll see how it goes!


  1. Nice drawings and a great way to get organized.

  2. This is a great idea. It totally beats my system. Which doesn't even warrant mention, because it's barely a system.

  3. We make ours into wrapping paper, but we're using the big huge drawing paper.

  4. Oh my goodness! My table looks exactly the same way (on a good day)!! What a wonderful idea of putting it all in a notebook (since I can't bring myself to throw it away). Awesome, I'm pretty sure I even have a few empty binders in the closet.

  5. Brilliant! Sweet Pea likes to tape every piece of artwork she creates to our walls. I then sneak around during her nap and take as much as I dare back down and hide it in the bottom of the kitchen trash can. I am really excited to get the toddler scribbles into an "Art" book. What a super idea! You rock.

  6. Ah the never ending cascade of drawings... we have that too. And an overflowing art cupboard which I recently re-hashed... it's messy again now though, but not as bad as before!

    I'm off to hunt out a folder for each of my kids.. maybe some plastic pockets too?

  7. We used to have tons of paper everywhere too and she used to ask for them if they disappeared...oh, where did her special drawing go? So, I purchased a sketchbook and now she draws and writes in it! It's great because it's in one neat place and I can keep track of what she's been working on. She also has the flexibility to cut any of the papers out (which she does) and glues them on another paper. All the scraps go into "Eva" our recycling basket. I just tell her Eva loves little pieces of paper so she's eager to feed her! No more clean ups for me and I love it!

    Love your organizational system too!

  8. Do you sleep? Every single post I can't help but the heck does she find the time to even initiate such projects and then play with her kids!

    A tip from a friend for managing the preschool crafts: for school art she takes a picture of everything brings home and later prints a book.

  9. Thank You! So simple, I will definitely give this one a try. I am always fighting the paper.

  10. The art binder is a great idea! I have papers everywhere as well. A couple of things that I do to reduce clutter:
    -take photos and then toss
    -hang favs on bulletin board and rotate + save

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  11. This is the very best idea I have seen all day!Perfect for my 4 year old artist who churns out 10-20 pics a day.


  12. What a cunning idea! So simple and so easy to throw papers in at the end of the day! Thanks for another great tip. Susan

  13. hi amy,
    i haven't popped over in a while to say "hi" and see how things in your part of blogasphere are going so "what's up?" love the organization here! and love the art books you will really treasure them one day, believe me with a daughter graduating from college in a month i long for those cute drawings again! hold them tight <3

  14. I have this exact same "problem" happening in my home with my little creative junkie! Pictures-pictures everywhere!! Thanks for this wonderful tip. Can't believe I haven't thought of doing this!


  15. Another fun thing you can do to organize your children's art is post it online on! You can create an online gallery for each child and upload a photo or scan of the artwork, and then it's saved for you, your children, and friends and family anywhere to enjoy.

    Thanks for all of the great ideas and activities you provide on your site! I enjoy reading it regularly.


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