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Friday, April 9, 2010

big-time news and ultimate blog party fun

This news is totally exciting for me--today I'm taking part in my first-ever Blog Party for a site that I'm honored to be a new contributor for--5 Minutes For

I had the fantastic opportunity to catch up with twins Janice and Susan at Disney's Social Media Moms Celebration back in February, and I was more than excited when Janice asked if I'd be interested in sharing some Reading Specialist secrets over at their incredible site. You better believe that I was ready and wiling to jump on board, so although this is my first time participating in a Blog Par-tay, it's 5 Minutes For Mom's 4th Annual Event.

Essentially, a Blog Party is a chance for bloggers to introduce themselves, connect with new friends, and find some new pals to read. No worries if you're not a blogger, though; if you head to the site, you'll find ways of connecting with others and the chance to win some really cool prizes!

So here is my Blog Party introduction, for those who are interested. . .

I am:
  • a mother of three--Maddy, Owen, and Cora (6, 4, and 3 years old);
  • a wife of an incredible elementary school administrator whom I met on a blind date, set up by his mom (yes, it's true!);
  • a Reading Specialist and former high school English teacher, a tutor, and Literacy Consultant;
  • the creator of and we teach (;
  • a contributor for 5 Minutes for, ABC and 123, DC Metro Moms, and Washington Times Online Community;
  • a freelance writer with book-writing on the brain.

I have:
  • three crazy-cool younger sisters;
  • awesome parents who recently got tattoos;
  • been raised in Pennsylvania, lived in Delaware, spent time in Scotland, and resided in five different Maryland cities;
  • had birds, fish, snakes, cats, dogs, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, hermit crabs, and lady bugs as pets;
  • many unfinished knitting projects, blog posts, and craft projects;
  • dreamed about getting flames painted on the side of my mini-van for the last four years.

I love:
  • pilates, running, and walking with friends;
  • cooking, eating, and watching the TV Food Network;
  • learning, writing, reading, and teaching;
  • backyard picnics, little-kid belly laughs, and Happy Hour.

I will:
  • get to see a live taping of the Oprah Show before she goes off the air;
  • participate in the Relay for Life to honor our friend, Scott, this May;
  • see the Dixie Chicks for the fourth time with my sisters this June;
  • always play chase with my kids, whenever they ask;
  • read books to my little ones at bedtime for as long I'm able;
  • travel, go on a date with my husband, hang out with my pals, or take a walk whenever I'm asked.

If you haven't checked out teach mama before, you should start here:

If you want a taste of a teach mama post, try these:

So that's it! My Ultimate Blog Party post, in just under the wire. Thanks for reading, and please let me know if you drop by! I'll look for you on we teach. . .

And just in case I'm super lucky? My prize picks are: INTL2 (would LOVE this!), INTL 1, USC 49, USC 43, and any gift card. Thanks!


  1. I see you jumped on board at the UBP as well! Stopped in to say hi! Have fun!

  2. Great intro! =) They are lucky to have you as a contributor!
    I'm participating too for the first time.
    PS I love happy hour too! =)

  3. Why hello! I thought I would run over here to say hi and that I am also involved in the party. See you later. :)

  4. Great Blog! Hopping in from UBP! Can't wait to read more!
    Queen Bee @

  5. I love your site! You always have great ideas!

  6. I'm a subscriber and fellow UBP Blogger. It's nice to find out a little bit more about the person behind a great blog.

  7. Hi Teach Mama! Great to see you on the Blog party! It's my first time too :o)

  8. Amy - Glad you joined the party! This is my 1st time joining 2010 UBP too! I love your blog & have been following for awhile now - I invite you to come visit & follow my homeschool blog back! Enjoy the party & have a GREAT weekend! :)

  9. Great to have the opportunity to learn more about you. Hope the party went well

  10. So happy I stumbled upon this through UBP! I am a high school English teacher who is soon to be a SAHM with my son. I'll be reading for sure!

  11. We can compare unfinished craft projects.

  12. Stopping by from the UBP!!! I am always looking for ways to help prepared my boys for school so I am so glad I found your blog. Im a subscriber and hope to get some great ideas.

  13. I love getting new ideas for my students, I'll definitely follow! Hope you get a chance to visit my blog, I'm new to blogging, but having fun with UBP!

  14. I am so excited to have found you :) I am a SAHM who use to teach second and third grade at a year round public school. It was my passion and life before I had my two little cherubs and now teaching them is my life :) I have subscribed to your site and look forward to checking out more. It is funny how much we have in common!

  15. It's so nice to 'meet' you! I'm going to peruse around a little more here! I'm the oldest of four too--but one is a boy! I love your little button as well!

  16. Hi Amy -- stopping by from the UBP!

    I love all your activities for young children! I might ask you soon if I can link to one of your posts for my blog -- before I began slacking on my writing, I used to post a Mom Tip from other blogs.

    Take care - - Dee

  17. Hello from the ubp10!

    I just popped over to say hi, nice to "meet you"! I am loving your blog, since I am a preschool teacher. So many good ideas here.

    C'mon over to Free2BeFrugal and check out my latest giveaway:

  18. Great blog!!! I am now a follower:-). My ultimate goal is to become a Reading Specialist. I'm still partying. C'mon over to my blog!

  19. Stopping by from the UBP! I love your blog and definitely want to come back for more! My son is 16 months but, I'm constantly thinking about what I can do to help him learn new things. Happy Partying!

  20. How exciting that you'll be joining 5 Minutes for Mom. I always enjoy coming to your posts and reading your informative posts. Happy partying!

  21. Wow, I keep finding you this week! -First, I was introduced to We Teach, and now I stumbled onto your site through UBP. Your blog is awesome! (We Teach is too!) I'll be subscribing for sure!

  22. Toot tootin' my #ubp10 party horn on your blog!

    New blog follower, twitter and FB fan~ Glad to have found your blog. It looks like a great resource for my homeschool friends!

    Stop in and say HI!

    @Susieqtpies Scraps of Life

  23. Dropping in from UBP10 and following!

    Glad to 'meet' you :)

  24. Amy you are such a wonderful lady with so many rich and varied talents. It was such a pleasure to meet you and I wish I lived closer so we could take a walk together☺

  25. Stopping by from the UBP and am now following you. I am a homeschooling mom that is always looking for ideas for my boys! And I am VERY new to blogging - loving this new 'community' of resources out here! Love your site - will definitely be back!

  26. I love your sight and what a great post. So nice to get to know a little more about you :0)

  27. I love your description of yourself. It sounds like you have a busy, but very fulfilled life.

    Nice to have you at the UBP10 party. Stop by if you get a chance And see what we have to help you Stop Drop and Relax. Visit our store at and Prepare To Be Pampered.

  28. What a fun blog and I love your design....adding you to my reading list...This is such a fun party and I have met some of the greatest bloggers... I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs. Stop by for a visit...just leave a comment on any of the last few posts on either blog and you are eligible for the GRAND PRIZE $100 GIFT BASKET! I am going to draw Friday night.....


Thanks for reading! What do you think? . . .