more teach mama:

Monday, February 1, 2010

nkotb: the 'we teach' group

we teach is the new kid on the block, and I'd love for everyone to be a part of it.

Yes, that's you, parents, teachers, friends, aunts, uncles, cousins--anyone and everyone who has a little person in his or her life.

Many of us know that there are awesome and completely amazing ideas floating around the web, being shared by parents and teachers alike, and there are equally incredible ideas floating around the living rooms of so many of the homes all around the world.

After much fruitless searching, I realized that there's currently no forum for parents and bloggers to interact, chat, or share their ideas other than through (mostly) blog comments or one-on-one emails.

So I created a group that I think will make our growing and presently disconnected community of parents, teachers, and bloggers a little closer: we teach .

You can find it here-- or click on the button below.

This is why I think the 'we teach' group is cool:
  • it will enable everyone to check out sites--filled with cool ideas--that they might not have seen yet;
  • it will be a place where everyone--those who blog and those who don't--could share ideas that work for them about parenting, teaching, or anything;
  • it will be more exposure for both established--and newer--bloggers;
  • it will facilitate easy, open dialog among everyone, perfect for asking questions about activities or for sending out queries for new ideas;
  • it will be--like my friend Allie suggested--a virtual "staff room" or teacher's lounge (and goodness knows that some of us really need adult conversation come lunchtime!);
  • it will be, ultimately, an opportunity for everyone to learn, share, and grow together, while we try our hand at the hardest (and most rewarding) job on the planet.

Please know it's a work in progress and that I'm learning as I go. Hopefully you'll join me for the ride--and please invite your pals! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please leave them below or shoot me an email:

I look forward to seeing you at 'we teach'!


  1. Amazing idea, and I can't wait to join. Thanks a million, Amy!

  2. I've just found you - I've just started a blog - I teach - I'd love to meet others who do the same so I think its a fabulous idea! Count me in :)

  3. I am so happy to be a part of this. I thank you for coming up with the idea and implementing it. I look forward to getting to know you better!

  4. I bookmarked your new site. I'm always looking for new ideas for activities to do with my 5-year-old.

  5. friends, I'm so glad you're excited! The more, the merrier!!


Thanks for reading! What do you think? . . .