more teach mama:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

a little more lunchbox love

I have to admit, I'm still not used to packing a lunch five days a week, and my planning isn't always the best.

Usually I'm scrambling in the morning like a caffeine-driven crazy person to make Maddy's lunch--and Owen's for the one day a week he stays for Lunch Bunch--on top of getting three kids out of bed, dressed, teeth brushed, and breakfast in their bellies.

Lunchbox notes were slowly falling to the wayside until I did two things: put permanent marker to plastic and created new wintertime lunchbox love notes.

It's January, a time for new beginnings, so I'm doing more advance-packing and note-adding, and I know (at least I'd like to think) my kids appreciate it.
  • Lazy Lunchbox Notes: Ikea sells a huge pack of plastic containers for next to nothing. I wrote little messages on top of a few of the ones that I use regularly for Maddy or Owen's sandwiches and small snacks.
some plastic Lunchbox love, thanks to Ikea

So on the days I don't have a second to sign my name to one of my cute and snazzy pre-printed Lunchbox Love Notes, I am just sure to add at least one of these containers to a lunchbox.

(Along with my now-frequent use of Snack Taxi's, I'm trying to be a little bit more green in 2010. . . )

Lunchbox Love Notes 2.0 are just the second edition of teeny-tiny notes, perfect for adding to Maddy or Owen's lunchbox at the last minute. Usually I keep an envelope of the cards in the kitchen so that I can sign my name, draw a funny picture, and throw one in the lunchbox.

Lunchbox Love Notes 2.0 are here to download.

luncbox love notes 2.0

This group of notes has some wintertime pictures and more of a "you are special" focus. The kindergarten "he's-not-my-friend/she-won't-play-with-me/I-can't-write-my-letters-nice-enough/I'll-never-make-my-numbers-right" drama has hit Maddy quite hard.

I'm hoping these little love notes will continue to remind her of how special she is and how much we love her. Any chance our little ones get to hear--or read--that they're special can only help, right?
That's it for today. Happy sneaky lunchbox reading!


  1. So cute! I still remember the smiley faces my Mom used to draw on my napkins!

  2. These are great! Nani can't quite read yet, but when she stays for lunch bunch, I try to put a little hand-drawn heart in her bag.....

    ~ Jennifer

  3. Great idea! I'll definitely do this. I'm going to try to incorporate some of the sight words C is working on in Kindergarten. Thanks.

  4. my girl would D-I-E if i did that! she prefers the card type notes! and saves them all in the bottom of her lunch bag...did i mention she has hoarding issues?

  5. My mom always wrote "I L Y" and draw a smiley face on my napkin in my lunch, and it made my day. Your notes take it to the next level and are adorable. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Loving your blog, Amy. Such a joy to see someone so impassioned to make her children's lives beautiful. Tania :)

  7. These are so cute. Thanks for sharing.


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